Discover how we deliver therapeutic agents such as PRP/insulin and stem cells into the injured brain…
By: T.R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA
As therapeutic agents have evolved to treat central nervous system (CNS) afflictions, the blood brain barrier (BBB) has prevented the use of many of these drugs for treating neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, tumors, and other CNS diseases.
The BBB blocks entry of many traditional and newly discovered drugs inside the brain that can protect neurons; promote nerve repair; and cure, curtail, and treat many untreatable CNS diseases.
This problem is partly resolved by the use of the intranasal olfactory mucosa to deliver therapeutic agents to the CNS bypassing through the BBB. This simple, rapid delivery route is ideal over any other micro-anatomical structure and site due to the unique connections and transportation routes between the nasal olfactory mucosa, olfactory nerves, olfactory bulb, subarachnoid space cerebro spinal fluid (CSF), and CNS.
The following will explore and explain how therapeutic and non-therapeutic agents, such as brain-eating amoeba, meningococcus, and rabies virus, and such can reach the brain, bypassing through the formidable BBB based on the unique micro-anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the nasal olfactory mucosal route and its CNS connections that allow transportation directly into the CNS. These findings are based on decades of our own as well others’ studies.
Read the full article here: CNS Delivery – Bypassing the BBB Drug Delivery From the Olfactory Mucosa to the CNS