What is Cellular Nutrition for TBI?
At TBI Therapy, patients receive a nutrition regimen designed to improve cell health and brain function. This includes an intravenous (IV) therapy that provides vitamins and nutrients to act as stem cell supplements, as well as a ketogenic diet that produces brain-cell-fueling ketone bodies. Patients are also encouraged to take an oral supplement regimen before, during, and after treatment at TBI Therapy.
Metabolic Crisis Following a TBI
“The brain is in a metabolic crisis in a concussion, potassium ion from inside the cell going extracellular, calcium ions going intracellular, neurotransmitters widely released in a chaotic manner. It takes energy to pump that potassium back, put the neurotransmitters back on so the cell can function.” Dr. Robert Cantu MD
As would be expected, a nutritionally optimized individual will undoubtedly benefit more from stem cell therapies than a poorly nourished one. Patients who eat a variety of whole foods, adequate protein, omega-3 [i] and other healthy fats, as well as nutrient dense vegetables and leafy greens increase a favorable outcome with stem cell therapies.
Dietary protein allows for increased amino acids as well as zinc in the body to aide in the efforts of collagen deposition [ii,iii]. Vitamin C from food sources also improve collagen status [iv]. Dietary collagen ingestion from animal sources is highly encouraged for aiding in collagen and cartilage synthesis. Diets high in refined carbohydrates and sugar hinder healing and the immune system [v]. Patients with impaired blood sugar handling do not respond as well to treatment. Impaired wound healing and increased infection risk are well known in diabetics [vi]. These patients do not do as well clinically with regenerative injection therapies as a whole.
As a good portion of Americans are dealing with some level of obesity and blood sugar dysregulation, nutritional intervention can go a long way in helping these patients not only manage their musculoskeletal pain but improve their outcomes with regenerative and stem cell therapies. A varied diet of nutritionally dense whole foods, high in protein and healthy fats, and low in refined carbohydrates and other inflammatory grains will ensure that optimal tissue and blood status is achieved by supplying the body with necessary macro and micronutrients for best clinical outcomes.
Cited from Dr. Tyna Moore’s Newsletter. Read her published article in The Pain Practitioner.
Brain trauma is characterized by disproportional proinflammatory cytokine (e.g., tumor necrosis factorα, interleukin1, and interleukin6) production and release that is associated with increased counterregulatory hormones. It also triggers hypermetabolic and catabolic states, severely impairing nitrogen homeostasis. With proper cellular nutrition following traumatic brain injury (TBI), patients can reduce or limit these harmful factors while also assisting the regrowth promoted by regenerative therapies such as stem cell and PRP injections.
IV Nutrition for TBI
• Improves metabolic activity*
• improves detoxification*
• Reduces systemic pain and inflammation*
IV’s are administered during intranasal treatments and outside of the intranasal treatments. During the intranasal PRP procedure, the patient will receive a nutrient cocktail and a PRP cocktail. During the intranasal stem cells procedure, the patient will receive the nutrient cocktail and the stem cell cocktail with NAD+.
Our nutrient cocktail includes the Myer’s cocktail with potassium, magnesium, calcium, B-complex, B5, B6, and B12, ascorbate followed by a glutathione push.
The benefits of IV supplementation allow TBI patients to re-establish vitamin levels quickly and efficiently. B vitamins lower homocysteine levels in the blood and have shown to slow brain shrinkage, therefore improving memory, mood, and energy levels.
*Results may vary; no guarantee of specific results

Ketogenic Diet for TBI
• Improved protection from oxidative stress*
• Increased synthesis of calming neurotransmitters (including GABA)*
• Produce cortical sparing and less apoptotic neuro-degeneration*
Associated with improved brain function, a ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. TBI Therapy’s recommended ketogenic diet includes KTO-C8 100 by Designs for Health because it contains 16x more ketones than found in coconut oil. It is recommended the patient begins this treatment at the start of their treatments with TBI Therapy. Intermittent fasting may also be recommended.
The ketogenic diet has long been used as a treatment for epilepsy since the 1920’s. Ketones, the result of breaking down fat, have shown to decrease oxidative stress, increase antioxidants, and scavenge free radicals that flood the brain after a TBI. By interfering with the neurotransmitter glutamate, the brain can increase GABA and stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis.
*Results may vary; no guarantee of specific results

Nutritional Supplements for TBI
Pre-Treatment Supplements: Begin 15 days before PRP or stem cell treatment
- Stem XCell by Enzymedica: 2 pills 2x/day
- Two bottles will be needed throughout treatment
- Elk Antler by High Wire Ranch: 2 pills 2x/day
- Four bottles will be needed throughout treatment
- E3 Live BrainON: 1 pill in am; 2 pills in pm
- One bottle will be needed throughout treatment
Post-Treatment Supplements:
- Stem XCell by Enzymedica: 2 pills 2x/day
- Continue 15 days after PRP or Stem Cell treatment
- Elk Antler by High Wire Ranch: 2 pills 2x/day
- Continue 8 weeks total
- E3 Live BrainON: 1 pill in am; 2 pills in pm
- Finish one bottle
Other Supplements:
- For ongoing care: Designs for Heatlh