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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Boussi-Gross, R., Golan, H., Fishlev, G., Bechor, Y., Volkov, O., et al. (2013) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Randomized Prospective Trial. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79995. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079995.

Cifu, D. X., Hart, B. B., West, S. L., Walker, W., & Carne, W. (2014). The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on persistent postconcussion symptoms. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation29(1), 11-20.

Deng, Z., Chen, W., Jin, J., & Zhao, J. (2018). The Neuroprotection Effect of Oxygen Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis. Nigerian journal of clinical practice21(4).

Douglas Shytle R, Eve DJ, Kim SH, Spiegel A, Sanberg PR, Borlongan CV. Retrospective Case Series of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Cell Transplant. 2019 May 28:963689719853232. [Epub ahead of print].

Efrati, S., Fishlev, G., Bechor, Y., Volkov, O., Bergan, J., Kliakhandler, K., … & Golan, H. (2013). Hyperbaric oxygen induces late neuroplasticity in post stroke patients-randomized, prospective trial. PloS one, 8(1), e53716.

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Hughes, J. (2016). Case Report for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) Patient Treated with A Protocol of HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy),  Autologous Human Plasma, Cranial Therapy, EEG Biofeedback, IV Nutrition, and Adult Stem Cells.

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Xu, J. J., Yang, S. T., Sha, Y., Ge, Y. Y., & Wang, J. M. (2018). Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Parkinson’s disease with severe depression and anxiety: A case report. Medicine97(9), e0029. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000010029

Find many more resources here: PGH Master Bibliography HBOT Research and Science 6-1-2023

Intranasal Platelet Rich Plasma and Insulin

Anitua, E., Tejero, R., Alkhraisat, M. H., & Orive, G. (2013). Platelet-rich plasma to improve the bio-functionality of biomaterials. BioDrugs, 27(2), 97-111. doi: 10.1007/s40259-012-0004-3

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Benedict, C., Hallschmid, M., Schmitz, K., Schultes, B., Ratter, F., Fehm, H., Born, J., & Kern, W. (2007). Intranasal Insulin Improves Memory in Humans: Superiority of Insulin Aspart. Neuropsychopharmacology, 32: 239-243. doi:10.1038/sj.npp.1301193.

Brabazon F et al., 2017. Intranasal insulin treatment of an experimental model of moderate traumatic brain injury. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 37(9):3203-3218. doi: 10.1177/0271678X16685106.

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Hughes, J. (2016). Case Report for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) Patient Treated with A Protocol of HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy),  Autologous Human Plasma, Cranial Therapy, EEG Biofeedback, IV Nutrition, and Adult Stem Cells.

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Intranasal Adult Stem Cells

Balyasnikova, I. V., Prasol, M. S., Ferguson, S. D., Han, Y., Ahmed, A. U., Gutova, M., … & Aboody, K. S. (2013). Intranasal delivery of mesenchymal stem cells significantly extends survival of irradiated mice with experimental brain tumors. Molecular Therapy.

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