Basalt, CO — (SBWIRE) — 01/27/2017 — TBI Therapy of Colorado, an established leader in TBI related healing therapies, announced its program to protect the brain health of current and past professional football players in light of the recent death of 1994 CU Boulder Heisman Trophy Winner Rashaan Salaam. Salaam’s close associates have made several comments as to observing symptoms that reflect him suffering from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) before his death. It as believed by family and friends as to playing a big part in the cause of his eventual suicide that took place on December 5th 2016.
“This condition is so much more prevalent in the industry than realized, however the good news is that if treated, and kept to a regimen of care, the effects can be minimized, ” said Dr. John Hughes of TBI Therapy. “If athletes take greater care of their brains, and get treatment during the off season, they can possibly prolong their careers, as the physical injuries they receive could be linked to being slightly off balance when absorbing impacts due to chronic concussion injury. If the brain is treated during off-season, the body can have better reflexes to perform and protect itself. Regular treatment will certainly have a positive affect on a player’s post career as well,” said Hughes.
“The fact that the industry realizes that regular physical therapy is needed to bring it’s athletes back into top shape, brain therapy should be no different. The industry is not giving the attention it should to the most important organ in the body, and that is the Brain. Without it, the body can do nothing, ” said Hughes. “Unfortunately, until a treatment program like this is integrated into their organization, we will continue to hear of stories like Rashaan Salaam.”
Those organizations wishing to further protect the health of their athletes, can contact TBI Therapy to get a consultation to determine which kind of on-season and off-season treatment programs will provide the most benefit to their players.